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Friday, October 01, 2004

Newsletter (October 2004)


Welcome Gods and Goddesses.  It's a very magical time now as my new website is growing and we're working to make it fantastic.  I'm jazzed about all the possibilities of sharing.




Live The Loving Light Body Of Magic in October 2004

                                                               By Julian Michael


Welcome Gods and Goddesses.  Take a deep breath now and listen to your heart and Inner Sky. Follow your miracle. You. The Matrix, media and friends are in trouble and spinning.& nbsp; The political candidates are creating a race.  The world is watching. Commune. Communicate. Write. Speak what you're feeling.  Share your truth and be versatile with the surprises of October 2004. 


October 2004 - Universal Month - " 16-7 "


Oct. is a " 10-1" energy and 2004 is a " 6."   A magical journey is taking place, seeking answers in this " 16-7" energy.  Do not be afraid to process your hell and live your heaven now. 


You are asking questions important to your sanity because you're morphing.   The weather and the government are changing. You feel ecstasy, depression and ecstasy all in one day.   You feel out of control.  "I'm ready," you say, "for the ET's to take me away.''


In this "7" you're being forced to work in your internal worlds by meditating, reading, exercising, doing therapy to understand this play of consciousness you live in.  Have faith.  Do not be afraid of your light and knowing your dark side.


The downside of this karmic energy of " 16-7 " is getting high or drunk and being totally irrespo! nsible.< span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  Know that you always affect others. 


Wow!  Hello from the loving " City of Angels" LA, CA.   We're all angels for each other.  Be free to share your freedom and loving heart and wisdom with humanity.


Don't you find that watching and listening to people these days that it's become easier to detect who is lying and telling the truth.  Observing their body language even tells us more about them. I feel great examples of these teachings is observing Bush and Kerry.  Let's look at their numbers and dance with their souls.  Revelations!


Spend October with Bush and Kerry's Numerology


George Walker Bush


George Walker Bush name total is a " 6,"  Destiny - Motivation energy.  He was born July 6, 1946 so he is a (7+6+ 2 0-2 = 33-6), Life Path energy. 


Having double "6's" in his Destiny and Life Path he is definitely here to know how to charm, communicate, from his heart and spirit.  As a higher vibration of "6", a master "33-6" he's to lead and be effective in moving humanity as a teacher of teachers, being a mouthpiece of strong beliefs, having a unique quirky nature, lover of family, land and humanity.  He has a great compassion in what he does.


The '33-6" is sacrificial and revolutionary.   They do leave a major stamp on things.  With these sixes he needs to be careful and aware of being possessive, irresponsible, obsessed over things, too religious and very macho as this will take him and those with him on a destructive course.  Sixes are here to learn to be open hearted.  They can be very selfish, closed, doormats to others and have a very big lesson to learn about love. 


Let's see what Year he is in.  Take the "7" of July and "6''of his birth date and add it to 2004 another " 6" and add it all together and you get (7+6+6 = 19-10-1) Personal Year.


As a "1" George Bush is in a period of new beginnings, planting seeds for a new foundation for his next nine years.  He's here to move forward, have courage and a strong commitment to a vision of change.  Did someone say "New World Order?"  Challenged by letting go and not living his past, he needs to take charge in being responsible for nurturing his new plans of accomplishments.


Adding October to his "1" Personal Year,  we get an " 11-2 ," Personal Month energy.   George Bush's positive side is to be peaceful, thoughtful, trustworthy, sharing, a problem solver and friend to countries and peoples' trials and tribulations.  


Then, there is his opposite, dark side that purports him as a warrior of war, cheater, thief, liar of the heart.  This October he's a mirror of our ignorance and subconscious fears that we refuse over and over again to deal with in our lives. 


Interesting that his personal year is the Karmic "19 -10-1''frequency of  " Misuse and abuse of Power from previous lives." He was the abuser, manipulator, and dictator or can now be manipulated or abused.  Hmm.   Who could this be?   Will the real George Bush please show up!


John Forbes Kerry


Born John Forbes Kerry, his name totals a "9,"  Destiny - Motivation energy.   He was born December 12 1943 so he is a (12-3 + 11+ 17-8 = 40-4), Life Path.  He has a very powerful hidden mastery of " 22."


John having a "9" Destiny shows he's a man who has the characteristics of an honorable man, preacher, counselor, knows the Matrix, teacher of forgiveness and peace, a visionary of truth and justice who shares his wisdom and light in making a difference in the hearts of humanity.


His challenges are suppressing his emotions, anger and being weary.   He can be a "know it all" and be out of balance, lost in the ethers.  Nines can be very selfish, manipulative and ignorant and hateful. Does this sound like him?


Being a " 4'' he is organized, dependable, an architect of life as a politician who is not afraid to lay his bricks down and become the backbone for industry and society.  He is straight forward, responsible, and you feel taken care of and secure as he works diligently to make things happen and empowers you in doing it.


 The Hidden " 22" is known as the master builder of the higher "4" Life Path frequency.

Made up of two "2s" he has an innate sense of knowledge, patience, diplomacy, humanitarianism and a "trust me attitude.''  Both twos come together to bridge heaven and earth.  John Kerry attracts the imagination of others.  Being a leader of dreams, ideas and experiences he plans and puts into action building strong foundations in community, business, science, computer indust! ries, te lecommunications and the arts. 


Living in the darkness of ignorance he can be fanatical, manipulative, calculating, lying, extremely nervous, bored and boring, ill tempered and a destroyer of foundations.


Let's see what year he is in.  Take the ("12-3" of December + 11-2 + his last birth date year of 2003-5 = 28-10-1), going on a 2 Personal Year in a few months.


As a "1" on the verge of a two he's planted his seeds, and is taking charge of his life and his campaign now.  His challenge is to be heard and share his intent, desires and visions with the people believing in him.   John is doing this and the question is:  Is it too late in planting seeds in the people's hearts and minds this October?


Entering his " 2 " Personal Year and being an " 11-2", birth date with a hidden master"22" would be such a great benefit for the public and the world as he goes into a very beautiful relationship of awakening diplomacy in our hearts and minds.   He knows how to associate, communicate and problem solve broken relationships with countries, families and the world.  As a "22" he understands how to build and manifest harmony and peace around him.   John Kerry is a warrior of integrity, truth and awakens our intelligence.


Adding October to his " 1 " personal year we get the same " 11-2" of George Bush.

John Kerry's " 11-2" with his Soul Numerology purports him as the man who has the electricity and keys to the doors of experiences, peoples who are movers and shakers helping to awaken and empower this country and its people as the " Messenger of the Gods" way shower of light.  This month he is the mirror of people's consciousness as George Bush is.


 Let's look briefly at Albert Gore Jr. a  " 4" Destiny with a hidden mastery of "22."   His birth date is March 31, 1948.  Lets add (3+31-4 + 22 = 56-11-2).  We were not ready as a nation and world to deal with his loving, peaceful, and intelligence, were we?


George Bush and John Kerry are examples of the war that is taking place now between integrity, honesty and truth known as the light, and the horrors of killing, oppressing, imprisoning and manipulating people as they live in hell.   These metaphors are known as " The Armageddon" a great time of transformation and revelations of truth in the war between the light and darkness.


November or (" 11" + 2 + 2004-6 = 19-10-1), is the Universal Election day.  Hmm, the karmic day of the "Abuser of Power and Leadership," that combines with George Bush's Personal Year of "19." & nbsp;  Could this be a sign?


Look at all those twos in this Election Day, of loving cooperative, diplomatic, and beautiful gentle energy.  A new door is being opened in the "1" day for us to enter and shed our past and create something original and positive for our future.  


The opposite of two is ignorance, lies, indecisiveness, darkness and war. The one is dictatorship, ego, and mind, body, soul manipulation.  No question that John Kerry deserves to be president as it shows he is aware of the positive and hidden aspects of life.  He knows and will do everything in his powers to make things work.  He will bring harmony and a respect so needed to this country in the eyes of the world.


 John Forbes Kerry will win the election, but that happened four years ago with Al Gore.  Summon the soul detectives.  Can we trust anyone else in this time of Armageddon.   George Bush might just steal it and probably will from this sleep ridden drug nation again. 


Hmm...Choose your illusion...Reality...Truth


" For as long as there are men, there will be war."&! nbsp; - Albert Einstein- Hmm


Is this our President of the free world who looks tired, works hard and as a double six still is learning how to make sentences.  Hmm


 The movie " The Day after Tomorrow" is required viewing for all Chinese scientists.  Hmm


Happy New Year, 5765 = 23-5 to the Jewish people as a great time of change is ahead.  If there is resistance and no expansion of knowing the truth there is destruction.   Hmm


During the Persian Gulf War, former president George Bush Sr. didn't occupy Iraq because as he said  "there is no viable exit strategy."  Hmm


Cat Stevens or Yusaf Islam was taken off a flight recently.  He was detained, interrogated and separated from his daughter for over 18 hours and not allowed to come into America.  Sounds like the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act, banning people from entering or deported them for being accused communists, or for being against America. Is this act being resuscitated?   Hmm


The Guardian Friday October 1, 2004 reports that! the con servative bastion of the Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia speaking to Harvard University said " I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged."  What are his numbers?  Hmm


Bush's hometown paper the Lone Star Iconoclast reported that " you broke promise, we endorse Kerry."  Hmm 


The maverick fashion photographer extraordinaire Richard Avedon transited this October.  God Bless him as he continues to create photo magic on the astral planes. Hmm


2004 is a '6" energy.  Let us look at the sixes circles, as a nurturing sun. It encompasses the divinity of " All that there is" as it lives in perfect loving balance and is complete, eternal having no beginning or end.  It is the snake biting its tail in what it gives out and returns.  It's the ring and it's power of ' The Lord of the Rings" In Hebrew it's called "Ayin," the eye of God and the spiritual eye of man.  It is open to speak.  Pregnant or its stomach is full as it's aware what it drinks, thinks, and wants to protect itself.  As an arm coming out it propels this life force to reach out, touch, serve and receive from others.


October is a " 10-1" signature of being in charge of your life.  Visualize and surround yourself in whatever color you feel. When you're with someone or with groups of people just see yourself as a "walking light bulb" putting this light out.  You'd be amazed especially with people who are nervous or angry.




Whatever happens this month or in the next moments, be grounded, safe, free and versatile to act accordingly.  Take time to touch your "Inner Sky."   Empower yourself with your spiritual tools.   Observe the people around you and take whatever you need from them to build a stronger character, foundation of heart, mind and spirit.  Love yourself.  Go out there and be the miracle of love.  Please go out and vote...


Blessings to all...with all my Love....Julian Michael


 Julian Michael is a sensitive, psychic, political Numerologist, hypnotherapist and past life therapist.  Recently he became a Reconnective-healing practitioner of Dr. Eric Pearl.

He has guided thousands of people all over the world into creating and manifesting magic in their lives.  Julian can be reached for questions and comments at


For a personal appointment, parties, purchasing his latest CD's please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384 - 1333 and in Brazil ( 5511 ) 3277-3765


Julian will be in sunny California for the whole month of October.