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Sunday, March 02, 2008


March 2008 Newsletter
By Julian Michael

Julian is in NYC and then in LA for the remaining month of March. Contact him for Numerology Sessions privately or by phone at 323-384-1333 or



8 - 4 – 1961 = 29/11 Life Path Pin Number

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Happy March 2008!!!! Thank you for all your phone calls and Emails concerning the February 2008 Newsletter about Heath Ledger. Please continue to question all drugs that you or family members and friends are taking. Please look into alternative ways with your regular treatment to create a balance with your health.

I remember the 2004 Summer Democratic National Convention in Boston. A young senator Barack Obama took the stage as the keynote speaker in support of John Kerry and spoke. He reminded me about unity, made jabs at President Bush and his administration and here are some things he said.

“We worship an awesome God in the blue states and we don’t like federal agents poking around our liberties in the red states, He said. “We coach Little League in the blue states, and yes, we’ve got some gay friends in the red states. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq, and there are patriots who supported the war in Iraq. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.”

The spirits of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy embraced and awakened me then and now. Barack is back! I’m so excited to share with you my Numerology research and discoveries. Who is Barack Obama and what does his Numerology say about his Mystique and his Future.

Let’s reveal and embrace the Universal Month of #4 in March 2008.

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Continue to pray and send loving thoughts to your ancestors, family and friends, government and people in the world. Especially in Iraq, Iran, Africa, Eastern Europe, here at home and your Mother Earth.

‘Begin to ask your soul today. Show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.” – Gillian Macbeth- Louthen

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• The Sacred Numerology of March 2008 - Universal Month #4
• March 2008 Says.
• The Mystique And Name At Birth Of Barack Obama
• Barack Obama’s Life Path Pin 29/11 Vibrates to Wisdom And Light
• Born August An “8” And 1961 An “8”
• Name At Birth is A “1” Destiny
• Barack Obama Is A 32/5 “Heralds Of Light”
• His Personal Year is “3” Going To A Master “22” On August 4 2008
• Barack Obama’s Dates With Karma And Destiny
• Hillary Clinton Born 10-26-1947 = 57/3 Life Path Pin,
• Michelle Robinson Obama Born 1-17-1964 = 38/11 L.P.P.
• Barack Obama Becomes President?

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The Sacred Numerology of March 2008 – Universal Month #4

Together the “3” of March and the “1” of 2008 create a “4”, Universal Month energy known as “The Emperor “.

“The Emperor” of the A.E.Waite Tarot is the Magician. He’s more mature now and embraces the three Tarot vibrations before him.

The “Emperor” is ensconced in his throne that is carved of stone. The sacred chair symbolizes the body and all the hard work that it’s taken to create this beautiful piece of work.

With his beautiful robes he’s wearing a helmet that is of red and gold. This represents the thoughts he has attained through spirit and channeled them into tangible, useful and productive things. He is crowned and is connected with the nurturing Sun.

The Emperor holds the world in his left hand and in his right the Tao (T) cross that is the architect’s tool for surveying, planning and building.

The first, second and third Tarot Cards showed how they planted and sowed the seeds of the conscious and subconscious mind. Here as “The Emperor” you plan, build and organize, what you want to do internally and the house you want externally.

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March 2008 says:

Be creative and productive and continue to build on your intent.

Be more aware of the lies and manipulation that are coming out of “The Matrix” of media, books and the Internet.

Discern the truth. Know that the truth shall set you free.

Do not buy into the cries of there is no money!

Be grounded and conscious of the doors of opportunities of wealth and success open to you.

It’s a very magical time. Believe and make it happen!

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The Mystique And Name At Birth Of Barrack Obama

2 17-8 8 = 27/9
1 1 3 5 9 6 1 1
2 9 3 2 8 1 1 5 2 4
16-7 15-6 6 = 37/1
2 1 9 1 3 2 8 3 1 1 5 9 5 6 2 1 4 1
18-9 32-5 14-5 = 64/1

Hearts and Souls Desire = 27/9
Personality = 37/1
Destiny = 64/1

Born 8 + 4 + 1961 (17-8) = 29/11 Pin # - 8 – 4 – 8 – 11

The Name of The Politician

2 8 = 10/1
1 1 6 1 1
2 9 3 2 2 4
16-7 6 = 22
2 1 9 1 3 2 6 2 1 4 1
18-9 14-5 = 32/5

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Hearts and Souls Desire = 10/1
Personality = 22
Destiny = 32/5

The Name of Barack Hussein Obama is a Blueprint of what he brings from other lives to this one. It’s the sum of the Souls and Hearts Desire and Personality that equals a 64/1 Destiny.

The Name Barack Obama shows others what he wants to project to the world as a politician as a 32/5 Destiny

His Pin# 8 - 4 – 8 – 11 is his connection with his Souls Contract of talents, opportunities, lessons and challenges in his life, this year, month and day.

Barack Obama’s Life Path Pin 29/11 Vibrates To Wisdom And Light

His Birthday is 8-4-1961(17-8) = 29/11
Vibrates to:
Wisdom= 5+9+1+4+6+4=29/11
Light= 3+9+7+8+2=29/11

The “11” is the first Master vibration. Barak Obama holds the key to this energy known as the “Door of Light”. This Door is open to him. Walking through he has great opportunities and connections with experiences and people that make a difference in the world. As an “11” he’s here to take all these experiences and accomplishments and errors and ruminate, meditate and process all of it.

This energy is raw and open to the communication of cosmic consciousness. Spiritual teachings help him discriminate what is good and evil.

In this state the “11” is very sensitive, intuitive, creative, inventive, and original. When he feels ready he is here to share and inspire others with what he’s learned in an honest, wise and practical way.

The “11” vibration is electric and embraces all kinds of media and loves the stage. Barack is a tremendous orator who uplifts us with foresight, and has an acute perception to understand our trials and tribulations in our lives. He’s hypnotic and people scream, yell and are embraced in a frenzy of energy with his charismatic speeches.

The downside to the “11” is that they can use the power they have and be deceitful, arrogant and manipulative with hidden agendas. Their vices are excess drinking, drugs, sex and other addictions.

Barack Obama an “11” is here to serve humanity as a messenger with his wisdom and light intelligence.

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Born August An “8 “ And 1961 An “8”

Whenever we have two of the same vibrations in our Pin # or Souls Contract of our Birthdays these energies are accentuated and doubled. There are great opportunities, talents or challenges and lessons we have with this Number frequency. Barack Obama has two “8”s.

Barak’s “8”s asks him to be in harmony with the physical, material, mental and spiritual world. Growing up he had a lot of responsibilities to learn about confidence and his power. The “8” is connected with money, banks, real estate, government and how to delegate power.

Barack ‘s “8”s signify that his Souls Contract asks him to judge fairly, wisely and make right decisions. He’s the boss and very ambitious. With all his contacts he’s here to learn how to be an executive in business. With two “8”s, Barack can share his fortune through a foundation that he creates or one that he supports.

The “8” is “The Strength” card in Tarot. This is the force of the Kundalini energy. Barack Obama is in touch with this Universal Force as he’s transformed himself and now he’s directing this energy in his politics. In his speeches he pontificates change and wants to bring a New World Order of thought and how people live.

The “8” is the energy of Leo and Saturn in Astrology. It signifies strength, courage, discipline and determination to express and achieve great things.

The down side of the “8” is being forceful, greedy, exploiting people and reigning terror and creating lightening and thunder and destruction to people’s ambitions. The “8” then is a dictator and enslaves people as lambs.

Barack Obama has two “8”s and has that top zero of the “8” which is philosophical and in touch with higher laws. He has the knowledge and ability to turn these “8’s horizontally. These mother’s breasts are a metaphor for nurturing humanity with the souls essence and the force of the infinite. This is a very huge part of Barack’s Souls Contract in having two ‘8”s.

Born On The 4

Barack is born on the “4th”. This connects him with the energy of “The Emperor” of Tarot. He’s organized, dependable, and straightforward and he empowers people. When a “4” is in harmony they do not believe in monkey business and wasting time as they work diligently. Being an architect vibration they build a strong secure foundation with the support from others.

Barack Obama has created a strong political candidacy with very powerful power brokers and strategists. Please “Goggle” and find out who these fascinating personnel are behind Barack Obama for President.

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Name At Birth Is A “1” Destiny

Barack Hussein Obama comes out to a “1 “ Destiny. This “1” is a tool that helps him with his “11” Life Pin Number (explained above) of his Souls Contract.

The “1” needs to take charge and lead. They can disturb people with their leadership? A leader is ready and prepared to go through any problems. He makes difficult decisions and needs to make effective detailed responses. Leaders teach to empower people to lead. They are visionaries who have the talents to know what is happening in the future “Now”. It’s important that the “1” is not alone. He needs a strong team behind him. Barack Obama has created this.

The downside of the “1” is they are egotistical and dictate to manipulate humanity to what they want.

Barack Obama voted against the invasion of Iraq. He delegated Ethics Reform and an Arms Control program to collect nuclear weapons. He worked with the Veterans of Walter Reed Hospital in implementing health benefits and is calling for energy independence. This shows a man on a mission in a “1” Destiny.

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Barack Obama Is A 32/5 “Heralds of Light”

The name that projects and illuminates the world as the Democratic nominee for President of the USA is Barack Obama a 32/5 Destiny. The 32/5 vibrates to the word vibration of America, Christ, glory, power and circle. This is the energy of the spiritual warrior, known as “The Heralds of Light”.

Barack as a 32/5 is here to free humanity of internal dark subconscious energy that imprisons them. This is fear, economic strife and war to name a few.

The Independence Day of America is 7+ 4 + 1776(21-3) = 32/5 Universal Day.

This is a very powerful frequency that holds the spirit of America’s forefathers. It connects with the cries of freedom and strength of “The Declaration of Independence, “The Heralds of Light” and Barack Obama.

The down side of 32/5 is that they have a superiority complex. They can Imprison humanity mentally and physically and take their freedom away.

Barack Obama has shown his persistence and in his fight for human rights as a 32/5.

“I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars. What I’m opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other arm-chair, weekend warriors in the Administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and hardships borne.”
-Senator Barack Obama at a Rally against The War at Chicago’s Federal Plaza in October 2002.

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His Personal Year of ‘3” Is Going To A Master “ 22” On 8 - 4- 2008

Barack is in an August (8) + 4 + (his last Birthday Year) 2007 (9) = 21/3 Personal Year.

Baracks “3” Personal Year empowers him to be very expressive. With his keen talent of speaking and listening he makes people soar and travel dimensions and worlds to experience and visualize Utopia.

Barack is able to laugh at himself, in his “3” he is bubbly, energetic and very charged up and emotional. As the nurturing Sun his “3” says, “not to worry, the Sun will come out tomorrow”. He’s able to weather the storms of criticism, gossip and paint the worlds with his vision.

Barack in August (8) + 4 + 2008 (10-1) = 22/4 Personal Year

Barracks 22/4 Personal Year this coming August 4 on his birthday is paramount. In his “22” known as “The Master Builder”, Barack gathers and builds on ideas and thoughts of the people around him and makes things happen. He has a sudden rise to be President and this makes some people very weary, unbalanced and angry.

The downside of the “22/4” Personal Year is that there will be some very unpredictable things that are going to happen. This master vibration shows that powerful white and black magicians from Past Lives are around Barack Obama. Contracts and deals have been made with them on a soul and physical level. Time will tell who these people are and the agreements made.

In a “22” Barack really needs to be on his game. There will be obstacles to get in his way that will test him to the core of his being as well. His past financial dealings, being a rebellious teenager, patriotism and his religion of ‘The United Church of Christ” will be questioned. He’ll also be attacked over and over again as a man inexperienced to be President by the opposition.

Barack Obama being an Afro-American, on top of everything else will be the most interesting and exciting candidate to run for President as a Democrat in the history of the USA.

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Barack Obama’s Dates With Karma And Destiny

Barack’s Numerology shows that he is most likely to become the Democratic Nominee for President. An illness or personal scandal can happen.

In August, September, October 2008 he needs to be cautious. August 4th is Barack Obama’s Birthday. This great transition and change to a “4” Personal Year makes him more serious to create and build on his dream to be President. His support will amaze many, as he will cross party lines and gain voters and their confidence.

September shows he’s in a “22/4” Personal Year and a “13/4” Personal Month. (22/4 P.Y.+ September (9) = 13/4). The “22” can’t always vibrate to Mastery so it reduces to a “4” vibration. This ‘13/4” is a Karmic vibration of disorganization, laziness and problems with the structure of the body. In September 2008 he’s looking at his Souls Mirror this “22/4” P.Y. and “13/4” P.M.

In this “13/4” Personal Month, Barack Obama creates a foundation and a plan of action with amazing inspiration. Very hard work and grass root voter registration and having his people talk to the people about the issues will occur. Stress, anxiety and worry can create a sickness. The “4” represents the back, jaw and feet of the body.

October shows he’s in a ’22/4” P.Y. and a “14/5” P. M. (22/4 P.Y. + October (10) = 14/5). This is a Karmic vibration and represents “The misuse and abuse of the body, senses and people’s freedom”.

His campaign strategy, tactics and debating skills will adapt to the changes that occur around him in the campaign, country and world affairs. Th”5” is movement as he’ll continue to take this country by storm with his grace and dignity. The “5” represents all the senses and motor coordination of the body.

In Election month November, Barack is in a “4” P.Y. and a 15/6 P.M. (22/4/ P.Y. + November (11) = 15/6).

This is a very service orientated and heart opening energy that asks Barack Obama to put his feet on the ground and look at what kind of family and home he created. On Election Day 2008 a dark cloud of illusion in his 15/6 Personal Month is over him. Will he win? Does this vibration correlate to the last 2004 election and Democrat John Kerry’s lose? Hmmm

The “6” vibration represents the heart, chest and respiratory area.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on 10-26(8)- 1947(21-3) = 57/3 Life Path Pin No,

Barack Obama has a mesmerizing style of coming from behind and winning in the primaries. He makes Hillary Clinton’s campaign seem like she’s left in the dust with her programs and strategies.

Hillary with her double”3”s has an amazing gift in communicating. It’s interesting that her campaign had miscommunication and she replaced and changed her personnel and strategy in the last month. She’s in a “9” P.Y. 10 (1)+ 26(8) + 2007(9) = “9” Personal Year. This frequency of endings, letting go of the past and surrendering will make her bow out fighting unless a miracle happens in March 2008.

Barack Obama has totally mystified her and her whole campaign staff. Hillary had no idea what kind of momentum Barack Obama rides on in wanting to become the Democratic nominee.

Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton isn’t the same as when he was President. These years of retirement have made him look like an old veteran with weak legs to stand on as he’s in Hillary’s shadow. He was not able to really capture that magic this time to help his wife. She was a great help when he became President and stood strong beside him. The old memories linger from the 90’s and the public wants fresh and new energy.

“Behind a great man there is a great woman”
- Anonymous
Michelle Robinson Obama
Born on 1-17 –1964(20-2) = 38/11 Life Path Pin No.

Barack Obama is this “great man” and his wife is his secret weapon. She is an incredible speaker, Chicago lawyer and mother of two daughters. She sits as Vice President for Community and External Affairs, The University of Chicago Hospitals on the Council on Foreign Relations.

This is a “leading, nonpartisan organization committee” that directs the course of world affairs and national and global policies. Is this a New World Order think tank? This organization has a membership that is a Who’s Who of prominent and distinguished people.

Most recently the celebrity actress, mother and activist for Human rights, Angeline Jolie was accepted to this powerful influential elitist group. Please do your research and Google to find out more.

Barack Obama Becomes The President?

Barack Obama is a very intelligent, astute, passionate and well prepared politician ready to do whatever it takes to become the Democratic President in 2008. He definitely has the Numbers. Yet there is a man who is a Past Life rival and a deterrent then and now.

John Sidney McCain was born 8-29(11) – 1936(19) = 56/11 Life Path Pin No.

More will be discussed about Barack Obama’s mysticism and who’s this “Magician”, John McCain with double “11”s in future Newsletters. Two magicians will meet and sparks will fly as who will be President?

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Please pray for and bless the souls of our Democratic and Republican Nominees for President and the Government of the USA.

Be aware, meditate and pray to know the truth and be able to see through the veil of lies and manipulation around you. Learn from the life and Numerology of Barack Obama. Allow your Soul Contract and Destiny to be revealed to you by understanding the vibrations and meaning of your Numbers.

Enjoy the #4 of ‘the Emperor”. Share your wisdom, smile and enlightenment with all your brothers and sisters of this beautiful majestic Mother Earth.

Embrace March 2008,

Blessings, Love and Beijos XXX

Julian Michael

* Please read my “Numerology of the Day” at


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