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Sunday, March 02, 2008



Julian is back from Brazil and Paris and he’ll be in NYC the first week of February. Contact him for Numerology Sessions privately or by phone at 323-384-1333 or


Julian in Rio de Janeiro


4 – 4 – 1979 = 34/7 U.D.
1 - 22 – 2008 = 33/6 U.D.


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HAPPY SUPER FEBRUARY 2008!!!! I was taught in situations where there are many people cheering and yelling, utilize this energy as empowerment and healing. Take the energy of the TWO biggest dates in football and politics. Bathe yourself in the rhythms and vibrations of the emotions of the crowd of the Super Bowl on February 3 2008. The underdog NY Giants vs. The undefeated New England Patriots will be a great contest.

The Political Super Tuesday on February 5, 2008 will also be a great healing event as you take the audience and their cheering and yelling and embrace and feel this energy in your body and make it positive and transforming.

When I heard that the actor Heath Ledger was found dead face down naked from pharmaceutical pills I immediately looked at his Numerology. Let me tell you what I found.

Let’s reveal and embrace the enlightenment of the Universal Month of #3 in February 2008.

Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It reminds me a lot of LA as the people love to exercise, walk on the exquisite beaches and bathe in the golden rays of the Brazilian sun.

Continue to pray and send loving thoughts to your ancestors, our government and people in the world. Especially in Africa, Iraq, Iran, here at home and your Mother Earth.

“Begin to ask your soul today. Show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
Gillian Macbeth-Louthen

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* The Sacred Numerology of February 2008 – Universal Month “3.”

* The Life and Death of Actor Heath Ledger

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The Sacred Numerology of # 3

Together the “2” of February and the “1” of 2008 create a “3” energy known as “The Empress”.

“The Empress” of the A.E. Waite Tarot is sitting, holding a scepter representing the Kundalini energy and is creating with love.

She appears pregnant in a beautiful dress, as this new loving mother loves to produce and make things happen.

There are trees, wheat and a luscious landscape that surrounds her symbolizing her subconscious is expanding and ripening to other levels.

Her yellow hair is adorned with a crown of “12 “stars symbolizing her mystic connection with the twelve signs of the zodiac in the wheel of Astrology and the concept of time.

February 2008 says, be creative, productive and pregnant with ideas and your imagination. Manifest in your rhythms and take your time.

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In Your #3

In your #3 communicate and express your hope and vision.

Meditate and listen to your inner guides and Angels. Learn to discriminate and edit what you’re hearing and feeling.

In your #3 put your talents together and be imaginative to make the right decisions in your business affairs to make money.

In your #3 sing, dance, laugh and do not take things seriously. Learn to detach. “Smile and the whole world will smile with you.”

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The Life, Death AND Beyond of Actor Heath Ledger

15-6 6 10-1 = 4
5 1 9 1 5 5 5
8 2 8 3 3 6 6 5 4 9 5 3 4 7 9
36-9 23-5 23-5 = 10-1
8 5 1 2 8 3 3 9 6 6 1 5 4 9 5 5 3 5 4 7 5 9
51-6 29-11 33 = 14/5

4 Hearts and Souls Desire
10/1 Personality
14/5 Destiny

Born 4 + 4 1979 (26-8) = 34/ 7 Pin # = 4 - 4- 8 -16/7

The Name of The Actor

6 10 – 1 =16/7 Hearts
5 1 5 5 Souls Desire
8 2 8 3 4 7 9
18-9 23=5 = 14/5 Personality
8 5 1 2 8 3 5 4 7 5 9
24-6 33 = 30/ 3 Destiny

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The Name Of Heathcliff Andrew Ledger is a Blueprint of what he brings from other lives to this one and is reduced to a 14/5 Destiny.

The Name Heath Ledger shows others what he wants to project to the world as an Actor as a 3 Destiny.

His Pin#, 4- 4 – 8 = 16/7 is his connection with his Soul’s Contract of talents, opportunities, lessons and challenges in this life, year, month and day.

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Heath Ledgers Soul’s Contract And Connection With Pythagoras

His Pin# a 4-4-8 sum equals a “7” is very sacred according to Pythagoras the father of Mathematics and Numerology. The “7” is connected with; the seven musical notes, seven parts to the body, seven colors of the rainbow, seven days of the week, seven Pleiades and mysticism and magic. Pythagoras had Mystery schools that had very austere rules. To be initiated you would have to be silent for 5 years and then you’d be accepted.

Heath Ledger a ‘7” wouldn’t have to go thru any initiation. Heath and all “7”s would be accepted automatically to Pythagoras schools as potential powerful people who embrace spirit, metaphysics and teach humanity the Mysteries of existence and the Universe. Heath Ledger did this through his acting.

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Heath Ledger Born In 1979 An “8”

The 1979 an “8” vibration in his Birth-date is all about balance and circulating the mind and body. The “8’ also is understanding money and how to delegate power. Heath had to know how to deal with success, fame and the power brokers of Hollywood and the film industry. It wasn’t easy for him as he was new to this game and it’s awesome power.

The “8” horizontally is infinity. Look at my January 2008 Newsletter where I speak about the “8”.

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Heath Ledger Born April 4

Did Heath do some spiritual practice like meditate, do yoga, palates or something to calm himself from the subconscious world of acting? He had a masseuse yet this wasn’t enough. I don’t think he knew or was really in touch with how to center himself as his conservative side shows in his double “4” being born April 4.

The “4’ is the vibration of the planner, organizer and hard worker. It’s very mental and can be extremely conservative. When these double “4”s, aren’t working the person can be bored and usually doesn’t know what to do with themselves. There is a very powerful connection with the father here. Usually “4”s are very bonded or detached from their fathers and can live in disagreement with each other.

The “4” is the “Door of Light”. Heath opened doors and connected with many great actors, directors and producers in his life that influenced him.

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The 16/7, “The Tower” And What Heath Ledger Was To Learn

Heath Ledger is a “16/7” in his Pin # as well as in his Hearts and Souls Desire. This is a very powerful Karmic vibration. The “16/7” is “ Misuse and Abuse of Spirit, Wisdom and the Cross of Love” in Previous Lives.’ This is “The Tower” in tarot.

“The Tower” signifies the body of God being struck by a lightening bolt or kundalini energy. There are two beings, male and female jumping off “The Tower” which are your erroneous ideas and how you view the masculine and feminine in your life. Heath Ledger was to learn how to harness “The Kundalini” energy and make it work for him.

Another Karmic “16/7” is Madonna. She was born on August 16. When Madonna was a teenager she only wrote songs about love. Her career spans through all kinds of relationships, and her beautiful artistic mastery of song and dance. She’s a smart businesswoman, married and she’s in touch with spirit through her love for the teachings of Kabala.

Heath Ledger never found spiritual support as Madonna did. In his past lives the “16/7” vibration shows Heath, Madonna and all “16/7’s might of abused their body or others. They misused their sacred wisdom for power and money. This Tower card also means the person has many love affairs as they had to understand and feel love.

Heath Ledger chose the perfect job as an actor being a “7”. A very intelligent actor, he took his craft seriously. Before meeting Michelle Williams his fiancé he had many love affairs.

He found love and he really got to work things out slowly in his acting in very controversial and intense psychological roles. But he went to far!

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More About The “7 ” and Heath Ledger’s Energy

This life - time for Heath he needed to also understand his relationship with his Subconscious. As the “7” he was quiet, soul searching and a loner. I call this “7”, the “Dr. Frankenstein” energy.

Heath Ledger needed space and a place to be by himself and create his monster or intent and manifest it. This was his acting as he walked, talked and made his roles real. All “7”s deserve nature, being around water and people who understand spirit and talk about the divine. They need to have a place to regenerate and rejuvenate themselves. They’re very sensitive and psychic. They need to be comfortable with themselves, physically and psychologically.

Heath was very comfortable with Michelle and then they split up and he started to spin.

The vices of a “7” are alcohol, drugs legal and illegal and gambling. Psychosis and feeling depressed and insecure is a huge negative when “7”s are imbalanced.

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Heath Ledger Has All the Vibrations And Is An Old Soul

In the Name of Birth of Heathcliff Andrew Ledger he has all the vibrations 1-9. This means that he’s an old soul here to teach the world about the different dimensions of life.

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More Karma in His Name At Birth

Heathcliff Andrew Ledger comes out to a “14/5 “ Destiny. This is another very strong karmic vibration that he needed to work through. The “14/5’ is “The Misuse and Abuse of Freedom and the Body and Five Senses” in previous lives.

In this life as a “14/5” Heath was here to disturb and yet charm people to bring them to a different way of looking at the body, mind and the philosophy of life. He certainly did with his Oscar nominated role in “Brokeback Mountain” playing a romantic loving gay cowboy dealing with society and their rules and mores. Brilliant!

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The “33’ – Love And Mastery

The Acting Name of Heath is a “6” and Ledger a “33” which is a Master of “The Teacher of Teachers”. This adds up to a “3” Destiny of expressing and communicating from very deep areas what he was thinking and feeling. This is also a very childlike vibration, very artistic and talented.

Heath Ledger was very gentle and passionate as a ‘33”, he also embraced the energy of Isis and “Venus the Goddess of love”. The “33” is also the vibration of healing and medicine. Heath was very sensitive and psychic. This master frequency is known as “The Christos” or Christ Consciousness. The “33” comes with sacrifice for the welfare and benefit of humanity. What was Heath Ledgers sacrifice? Irony called as he passed on 1 –22 – 2008 = 33 Universal Day. Hmmm.

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The Break-up, A Psychopath Joker and Heath Ledger’s Demise

The break-up and separation with his fiancé Michelle and being with his child occasionally devastated him and made him very vulnerable. He tried to heal and save himself by getting all his anger, frustration out and get in touch with his demons in his acting.

He started doing the role of a very psychotic, schizophrenic and totally detached psychopath with no feelings for humanity. “The Joker” in the next “Batman” film. My friends this was too much. Heath is an old soul, medium and very sensitive. As a great actor he walks into the skin and breaths and becomes his characters. This role was so insensitive that I feel it ripped the soul and heart out of Heath Ledger.

Jack Nicholson who played ‘The Joker” warned Heath about ‘The Joker”. Jack is born 4 –22. As a “22” known as “the Master Builder” Jack has empowered us with so much of his acting, directing and shenanigans. Jack is the teacher of black and white magic from previous lives in the “22” of his Birth-date. Jack Nicholson can handle being an assassin. Heath ended up having problems sleeping and taking legal pills to relax during and after the role. He also was dealing with his broken heart.

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Heath Ledger And His Personal Year of “8”

The Personal Year is the Path we walk on from birthday to birthday. We’ll take Heath’s vibration to find out what happened to him.

April (4) + Birth date ( 4 ) + 2007 ( His last birth date Year which is a “9”) = 17/8 Personal Year

Heath’s “8” Personal Year is about him dealing with his fame, fortune and how to delegate power. He needed to balance his physical, material world and his mental and spiritual world. In an “8’ lots of stuff came up in reflecting what he did, how he did it and what he envisioned. In his “8” it was time to do and make things happen. The fact that he was an “8’ being born 1979 made this Personal Year even more powerful and challenging.

Heath had his expectations and they were all blown out of the water when he separated from Michelle and his baby. Left powerless he felt sick and worthless.

The “8’ got more intense and finally in January 2008 still an “8’ Personal Year, we add “1” and it’s a “9’ Personal Month. Things got out of hand. In this ‘9” it was all about letting go and surrendering and then finding his center and being the way shower for others.

He worked on another film after doing “The Joker that is surreal and walks the razors edge. Terry Gilliam as a director is known for the movie “Brazil” and “The 12 Monkeys”. This was the icing on the cake. Heath finished and went back home exhausted, jetlagged and out of his center in January 2008. Days later he passed.

Heath Ledger And His Date With Death and Beyond

Heath Ledger passed on, 1 –22 –2008 = 33/6 Universal Day. The day of Death is your Birth date to the other side as there is no death.

Heath Ledger transited and is born in the Astral with double “1”s with January and 2008 being a “1”. There are two Master vibrations of “22” and the “33”.

Heath Ledger leaves us with a brilliant short career of his Master Acting in this master “22” vibration and continues empowering us with his films.

I feel that his message and sacrifice as a “33” is to all Actors, artists and people of the world. Be aware of the dangers of legal and pharmaceutical drugs. Heath Ledger has created a bigger outcry to investigate this multi billion-dollar Matrix industry and how they have infiltrated and created deadly poison in his and our blood and souls in the 21st Century.

Heath Ledger reminds us to seek help and guidance when we’re spinning and our hearts, minds and souls are devastated. Drugs, pills and drinking are a band-aide. What do you do when you feel depressed, out of touch and death is next to you? Please express yourself to a friend or someone who can deal with as a therapist of you’re insecurity, depression and personal hell.

His double “1”s in his Birth date mean that he’ll continue to be a powerful light to us as his spirit and legacy is eternal. He’s a brilliant actor, loving father to his child, and friend to people who knew him and a healer to troubled souls here and in the Astral where he is now.

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Pray and bless the soul and transition of Heath Ledger.

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Be aware, enlightened and know the good, bad and ugliness of your psyche. Learn from the life and death of Heath Ledger. Understand what are your Soul, Hearts Desire, Destiny and Souls Pin.# s. Allow “The Secrets of Life” reveal themselves through Numerology.

Enjoy the #3 of “The Empress.” Share your smile, heart and wisdom with all your brothers and sisters of this beautiful majestic Earth.

Embrace February 2008,

Blessings, Love and Beijos XXX

Julian Michael

• Please read my “Numerology of the Day” at

• Call me at 323-384-1333 or E mail


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